
Characteristics of principle centered leaders

There are eight discernible charsteristics of people who are principle centered leaders. These traits not only characterize effective leaders, but also serve as signs of progress for all of us.

They are continually learning

Principle centered people are constantly educated by their experiences. They read, they seek training, they take classes, they listen to others, they learn through both their eyes and ears. They are curious, always asking questions. They continually ezpand their competence, their ability to do things. They discover that the more they know, the more the relize they don’t know, that as their circle of knowledge grows, so does its outside edge of ignorance. Most of the learning and growth energy is self initiated and feeds upon itself. 

They are service-oriented 
Those striving to be principle centered see LIFE IS A MISSION NOT AS A CAREER. their nurturing sources have armed and prepared them for service, thinking of others

They radiate positive energy
The countenance of principle-centered are cheerful, pleasant, happy. Their attitude is optimistic, positive, upbeat.

They believe in other people
Dont overact to negative behaviours, criticism or human weaknesses.

They lead balanced lives
They read the best literature and magazines and keep up with current affairs and event.

They see life as an adventure

They are synergisthic
Synergy is the state in which the whole is more than the sum of the parts. Principle-centered people are synergistic. they are change chatalysts. yhey improve almost any situations, they learn to separate the people from the problem.

They exercise for self renewal
Finally, they regularly exercise the four dimensions of the human personality : physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

(Stephen covey)

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Pada dasarnya jasad hidup (organisme) dapat dibedakan menjadi 2 kelompok besar yaitu
1. Jasad hidup selular
2. Jasad hidup non selular
Jasad hidup selular tersusun atas satuan (unit) yang berupa sel. Sel mempunyai komponen-komponen subselular dan organel yang terorganisasi dalam satu kesatuan yang padu. Beberapa contoh jasad hidup selular adalah bakteri, jamur, tumbuhan, hewan dan manusia.
Dalam hal tertentu batasan jasad hidup seringkali tidak diterapkan secara pasti, misalnya pada virus atau bacteriofag yang merupakan kelompok jasad hidup nonselular. Virus adalah parasit obligat sehingga menunukkan ciri-ciri kehidupan jika berada di dalam sistem biologis (jasad selular) yang sesuai.


Manusia dilahirkan dengan dua keterampilan, yakni : naluri dan intelektualitas. Makan, minum, berkelahi, merasa iri, cemburu adalah bagian dari naluri yang melindungi diri kita dari ancaman luar terhadap kehidupan pribadi maupun keluarga. 

Kita sering mengambil keputusan berdasarkan naluri, sama seperti tindak-tanduk binatang. 

Keputusan yang lebih baik dapat diambil, bila kita melihat sesuatu secara objektif dan dalam tanpa tekanan.

Jadi.......adalah penting untuk mengendalikan naluri.